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Software developed by SEC

You can find information on software tools released by the TU/e SEC group below and at the referenced links.

Sw artefact Description Link
SAFAX SAFAX is an extensible authorization framework offered as a service. SAFAX provides a novel XACML-based architectural framework tailored to the development of extensible authorization services for clouds. The key design principle underlying SAFAX is that all components are loosely coupled services, thus providing the flexibility, extensibility and scalability needed to manage authorizations in cloud environments. SAFAX
TRIPLEXTRIPLEX is a tool-supported framework for the analysis of data minimisation in privacy-enhancing protocols. TRIPLEX allows users to visually construct scenarios of different actors communicating using any kind of privacy-enhancing protocol. TRIPLEX automatically simulates these scenarios, and provides different analysis tools. The tools, geared towards non-cryptography-experts, allow users to analyse the knowledge that actors learn by executing communication protocols, as well as to verify protocol-independent privacy properties. TRIPLEX
X2S X2S is a formal framework for the analysis of XACML policies that employs Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) as the underlying reasoning mechanism. X2S
DALTIADALTIA is a tool for DAta Leakage deTection analysIs and visuAlization. DALTIA tackles the data leakage problem from different perspectives, namely Profiling, Detection, Quantification, Attack Classification and Visualization. DALTIA
APD The Anomalous Pattern Discovery Tool (APD) is a tool aimed at providing the user with a set of advanced functionalities to infer and explore deviations occurred in a set of past process executions.

Data Sharing

The data released by the SEC group to the public is referenced below alongside the reference publications. The column *access type* references whether the data is immediately available or requires additional steps to be taken first.

Licensed data will be released under an academic and completely free license, (currently under approval from the legal department) and can be accessed by contacting (will be active once license is approved) from an institutional email address, specifying the nature of the project for which the data is requested.

The license has to be compiled in the highlighted fields and sent back to the same address, signed by you (the recipient scientist), and by a Full Professor or by the Head of Department. Once we receive the signed license we will send back a copy signed on our side alongside the requested dataset(s).

Data Description Reference paper Access type Link
MALMARKET_VULNS CVEs published in a prominent Russian cybercrime market (as of April 2017). Reports CVE identifiers, prices, vendors, vulnerability characteristics, type of packaging, date of publication, date of disclosure, among other fields. *Note:* the SYM dataset is released here. L. Allodi (ACM CCS 2017); L. Allodi, F. Massacci (ACM TISSEC 2014) Licensed Download license License under approval by legal dep. In the meanwhile follow procedure for MALMARKET.
MALMARKET Unstructured dataset with the dumps of the market forum interactions (in Russian) spawning from the CVE trading reported in MALMARKET_VULNS. L. Allodi (ACM CCS 2017) Ad hoc collaborations Send a short (max 1 page) research proposal to Dr. L. Allodi
artefacts.1513762033.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/10 20:59 (external edit)