ACCUS: Adaptive Cooperative Control in Urban (sub) Systems
Duration: June 2013 until May 2016
Contact: Sandro Etalle
Urban systems like traffic, energy, and outdoor lighting are managed by self-contained embedded systems - though the managed processes are deeply interconnected. New applications and collective optimization require integration of these systems which represents a truly “systems of systems” integration problem: these urban systems evolve independently, have their own purpose and internal policies which must not be affected by such integration and have their own management. As a result, the integration has to manage emergent behavior and take non-availability of components as the norm rather than the exception. This is particularly challenging when control loop span across several systems. ACCUS studies a set of so-called converged scenarios that span across urban systems to investigate requirements and defines a reference architecture for the integration of urban systems, based on semantic descriptions. Simulations with software and systems in the loop will be supported. The entire development and integration will be supported by tools.
Staff involved
- Sandro Etalle