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Security in Intelligence Transport System

Funded by RWS and TU/e
Duration: November 2016 - October 2020
Contact: Nicola Zannone


The continued innovation of ICT systems within the vehicle, with increasing processing and communication powers as well as the increase of networking in general, is leading to significant advances in vehicle communication and in Intelligent Transport System (ITS). Within vehicles, networked electronic components drive advanced functions, supporting new functionality, safety and comfort. Communication between vehicles enables advanced local scenarios (with short latencies), like lane change warning or collision avoidance, but also functions like collaborative driving in traffic jams or parking spot finding. The general ITS architecture is becoming established. High-performance infotainment systems are being deployed and integrated with other in-vehicle systems; new wireless communication standards (like 802.11p) support ad-hoc communication between vehicles and with roadside units and high-bandwidth telecommunication standards are developed (4G/5G). While ITS systems grow to become more mature and new applications and new standards are being developed, also security concerns grow to be more compelling. Solutions to security problems will be vital pre-conditions for the large-scale deployment and acceptance. Key scientific aims of this project are: (1) Assessment of the applicability of existing solutions for secure and privacy preserving (ad-hoc) communication and, where needed, adapt them to meet the needs of ITS. (2) Development of a policy framework for security and privacy of information exchange and protection across applications. (3) Development of standards for prediction and certification of open application platforms. (4) Development of solutions for privacy-aware information collection.

Staff involved

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