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EU Integrated Project
Duration: January 2008 until December 2012


Trusted Architecture for Securely Shared Services (TAS³) is a European Integrated Project with 19 partners, combining expertise of universities such as TU/e, KU Leuven, Kent, Karlsruhe and companies such as SAP and ORACLE. An increasing number of on-line services is based on personal information that is gathered over a human lifetime. This data is created and stored in different contexts by different authorities which may not use the same terminology. TAS³'s challenge is twofold: to give trusted services a complete picture of the relevant data and to empower the user to control how his private data can be used. The TAS³ project will provide an architecture enabling trustworthy interoperation of services. We will build on ontology hierarchies to enable services to find a common terminology for their interaction. Services, users, and the architecture itself need to generate the appropriate levels of trust. Therefore, TAS³ will build on state-of-the-art techniques for data protection, authentication and authorization, investigate new and powerful ways to manage trust and securely adapt live business processes and incorporate the legal setting in which the services must work. Applicability of the general TAS³ architecture is shown in two application areas with a clear need for a trustworthiness of data and services:

Electronic Health Services combine processes and information from different health care sources; hospital, GP, home care and monitoring. Employability Services match job openings with jobseekers based on trusted personal portfolios containing information from many sources.

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